
EA has confirmed that it will be publishing a single-player Black Panther game being developed by Cliffhanger Games. If you don’t recognise the name that’s because Cliffhanger is a brand new studio based in Seattle, its existence announced alongside its debut project.

The new studio has some talent behind it, though: Kevin Stephens is formerly of Monolith and has worked on the likes of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Other studios members are said to have worked on games such as Halo: Infinite, Call of Duty and God of War.

“We’re dedicated to delivering fans a definitive and authentic Black Panther experience, giving them more agency and control over their narrative than they have ever experienced in a story-driven video game. Wakanda is a rich Super Hero sandbox, and our mission is to develop an epic world for players who love Black Panther and want to explore the world of Wakanda as much as we do,” said Kevin Stephens of Cliffhangar.

Details on the new game are non-existent, aside from it being third-person and open-world. It was actually leaked last year by reliable insider Jeff Grubb, who not only predicted the game but also revealed the new studio, its name and that it would be helmed by Kevin Stephens.

EA is also currently working on an untitled Iron-Man game developed by Motive.

I’m personally not a fan of Black Panther, but I’m open to a videogame based on the character. While Marvel’s Black Panther movies don’t connect with me, a fun game might just be what I need to get interested.

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Ankit Singh

The author Ankit Singh

Ankit Singh is a gaming enthusiast and tech writer at TechInnings with a deep passion for the gaming industry. Specializing in the latest game releases, reviews, and trends, Ankit Singh keeps readers informed and entertained with expert insights and engaging content.

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